Maria Shriver – A Calling: Do You Have One?


When someone once said to Mother Teresa, ‘Should I come here and work with you in Calcutta?’ she said, ‘Go find your own Calcutta.


Nearly a year ago, filmmaker Kenneth A. Carlson showed Maria Shriver some of the footage he shot in Sudan’s mountains of Nuba, and talked with her about his college classmate Dr. Tom Catena.

The conversation led Shriver to reflect upon how Dr. Catena is carrying out his life’s mission, and whether every human being has a purpose or calling in life.

“Are we each called upon to do something unique and special with our lives?” asked Shriver in a post entitled A Calling: Do You Have One?

“The wisest elders I have met would answer those questions with a resounding ‘YES!!'”

“The man my friend wants to introduce to the world feels he is being called upon to heal the sick and the poor. He is being called to love those who are invisible to the larger world. But, they are not invisible to him.

“In fact when someone once said to Mother Teresa, ‘Should I come here and work with you in Calcutta?’ she said, ‘Go find your own Calcutta.'”

Dr. Tom Catena has clearly found his Calcutta in the mountains of Nuba.


Nightline Interviews Kenneth A. Carlson


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